Through whose blessing today we vibrate in the Divine Ecstasy. "In the town of Goindwal in Punjab, India even today this Divine Mantra is still inscribed on the walls of the Bowli Sahib (sacred well) at the house of Guru Amar Das, the Guru of Guru Ram Das The original meditation method (simran) Yogi Bhajan learned from a sikh sant (holy man) in India named Maharaj Virsa Singh. It is not a traditional eastern technique, but one developped by Yogi Bhajan on his arrival to North america, it does however introduce the technique of "simran" adapted to yogic practice. The method of the sant (simran/chanting) and the way of the yogis (blend of mudras (sambhavi mudra and gyan mudra), pranayam ( 2 1/2 breath cycle), bandhas (locks) and concentration on the chakras with the mantra). This sound is a precise sound: EK ONG KAR SAT NAM SIRI WHA GURU " *5 Yogi Bhajan's technique of "chanting the Naam" incorporates both ways. The other method is that you concentrate and meditate and get this sound in you and it directly charges your solar centers and in this method you get the Divine Light to you. One way is to open the solar plexus and charge your solar centers.You get direct with the Divine. WHA- strike crown long GURU- meditate on circumvent force.release all locks, inhale begin again. ONG - complete rootlock (sex organ) KARSATpull in navel point, pull vibration up to diaphragm.inhale strike heart center pull neck lock charge third eye point, half inhale Sitting with straight spine, gyan mudra, eyes focused on third eye point, inhale: Meditation Instruction from Summer solstice 1971, June 20 LONG CHANT Yogi Bhajan's yogic method of "chanting the Naam "EK ONG KAR SAT NAM SIRI WHA GURU " for spiritual upliftment. Therefore, when this Mantra is sung in the neck lock, at the point where Prana and Apana meet sushumna, this vibration opens the lock and thus one becomes one with the Divine." *3 "All mantras are good, they are all for the awakening of the Divine but this mantra is effective and is the mantra for this time, so my lovely student, at the will of my Master I teach you the greatest divine Key which has eight levers and this key can open the lock of the time which is 8 in gure (wheel over wheel). Now my dear sweet love, you draw one circle like the wheel and put another circle like a wheel over it ( wheel over wheel) will make the gure 8 which according to the Science of Numerology represents innity turned sideways." *2 Constant vibrations from that wheel of Cosmic energy gives power of life movement to this wheel of creation. It works with the power represented by another wheel which runs it. "We are now in the Steel Age- Age of Machine which is represented by a circle, which is the wheel ofĬreation. The top of the mountain represents the higher self, and the staircase the genuine path of the being. "There are eight staircases leading to the peaks of the mountains.
From !Naam" to !Long Chant" Meditation and Chanting